Saturday, June 27, 2015

Grafenrheinfeld: Germany will close down another harmful nuclear power plant for good❗ Das Kraftwerk wurde am 27. Juni 2015 endgültig abgeschaltet❗

Friday, June 26, 2015

Mehr Entzündungsstoffe durch B12. Warum Vitamin B12 die Pickel / Akne verschlimmert: B12 verändert die Genaktivität der Hautbakterien und fördert so die Entzündung ♜♜ Too Much Vitamin B12 Linked to Acne B12 plays roles in metabolism, red blood cells and the central nervous system ♜♜ Vitamin B12 screws with your skin bacteria and could cause acne … B12 alters how the genes of facial bacteria behave ♜♜ Vitamin B12 Protects Against Alzheimer's … it's able to counter homocysteine which at high levels is associated with AD

Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Before surgery, low blood pressure rather than high is a risk factor Vor der OP: Niedriger Blutdruck – höheres Risiko

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