Saturday, April 09, 2005

Doederlein's bacillus >> gesunde Vaginalflora - optimales Scheidenmilieu

Münchener Frauenarzt Albert Döderlein (1860-1941)
1892 als Namensgeber des Lactobacillus acidophilus vaginalis Doederlein
The normal vaginal bacteria is called Doederlein's bacillus

Lactobacillus acidophilus wird bei Störungen der Vaginalflora eingesetzt.

Eine gesunde Vaginalflora kann sich nur im leicht sauren Milieu entwicklen. Durch viele unterschiedliche Gründe kann der ph-Wert des Scheidenmilieus aus dem Gleichgewicht geraten und sich ins basische verschieben.

Das kann eine allgemeine Schwäche des Immunsystems durch Krankheiten oder Streß sein oder die Folge einer Antibiotikatherapie, aber auch zu intensive Hygienemaßnahmen oder häufiger Partnerwechsel.

Lactobacillus acidophilus ist ein Milchsäurebakterium. Es säuert das Scheidenmilieu an und sorgt so dafür, daß das physiologische Gleichgewicht wieder hergestellt wird.
Beschwerden wie Trockenheit oder Juckreiz werden so gelindert.

Ähnlich wie im Darm bilden auch die Milchsäurebakterien Lactobacillus acidophilus einen hoch effizienten Abwehrfilm. Sogar gegenüber dem extrem aggressiven Staphylococcus aureus, einem sehr gefürchteten, gegen die meisten Antibiotica resistenten Keim, scheinen die Milchsäurebakterien Lactobacillus acidophilus (erhältlich als Döderlein-Stäbchen) Abwehrstoffe auszuschwitzen (Milchsäure)!!!

It all comes down to maintaining a healthy balance. With the exception of trichomoniasis, the root cause of most vaginal infections is an imbalance in the vaginal flora. The Döderlein flora is named after the Munich gynecologist, Albert Döderlein who discovered its existence in the vaginal flora of healthy women in 1892. It is composed of a mix of 10 to 20 types of Lactobacillus bacteria. Döderlein observed that the Lactobacillus bacteria produced lactic acid, which prevents an overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria, by forming a protective biofilm at the surface of the vaginal mucosa.

Münchener Frauenarzt Albert Döderlein (1860-1941)
1892 als Namensgeber des Lactobacillus acidophilus vaginalis Doederlein
The normal vaginal bacteria is called Doederlein's bacillus

Albert Doederlein wurde am 5. Juli 1860 in Augsburg geboren.

Er studierte Medizin in Erlangen und promovierte 1884.

1887 wechselte er mit seinem damaligen Chef Paul Zweifel nach Leipzig, wo er seine bakteriologischen Forschungen vorantrieb und habilitierte.
Als Namensgeber des Lactobacillus acidophilus vaginalis Doederlein, auch Doederlein-Stäbchen wurde der Name Doederlein in der Medizin unsterblich. Dabei war er nicht der erste, der diese Bakterien sah, allerdings erkannte er als Erster den Einfluß auf das sauere Mileu der Scheide und die relative Keimfreiheit derselben.
1894 wurde er nach Groningen berufen, 1897 nach Tübingen und 1907 nach München.
1934 emeritierte er mit 74 Jahren, am 10. Dezember 1941 starb Albert Doederlein in München.
Veröffentlichungen: Neben einem Leitfaden zur geburtshilflichen Operation schrieb er einige Kapitel in Otto Küstner's Lehrbuch der Gynäkologie.

The Natural Treatment of Vaginal Infections

It may come as a surprise to you, but vaginitis is one of the most common problems in clinical medicine today. An inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the vagina, vaginitis is characterized by vaginal irritation, an itchy burning sensation and abnormal vaginal discharge. According to a study conducted by Healthy Woman Magazine, 1,427,000 Canadian women treated themselves for one or more vaginal infections in 2000. Many women are plagued with recurrent vaginal infections for no apparent reason

Did you know that there are different types of vaginal infections? While most vaginitis sufferers lump all vaginal irritations into the yeast infection category, there are actually three different types of vaginitis: bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis and trichomoniasis. Candidiasis and bacterial vaginosis are both caused by disturbances in the naturally occurring vaginal flora. Candidiasis, commonly called a yeast infection, is the result of an overgrowth of candida albicans; whereas, bacterial vaginosis is due to a change in the natural balance among the different types of bacteria in the vagina. Characterized by painful urination, trichomoniasis is an infection of the uro-genital tract and is caused by a single celled protozoan, called trichomoniasis. Trichomoniasis is a common STD referred to by some as “trich”.

It all comes down to maintaining a healthy balance. With the exception of trichomoniasis, the root cause of most vaginal infections is an imbalance in the vaginal flora. The Döderlein flora is named after the Munich gynecologist, Albert Döderlein who discovered its existence in the vaginal flora of healthy women in 1892. It is composed of a mix of 10 to 20 types of Lactobacillus bacteria. Döderlein observed that the Lactobacillus bacteria produced lactic acid, which prevents an overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria, by forming a protective biofilm at the surface of the vaginal mucosa.

It’s your body’s way of protecting itself from harmful bacteria. The Lactobacilli biofilm is the body’s own natural protection against vaginitis. By acidifying the vaginal area, producing anti-microbial hydrogen peroxide, competing for food with pathogenic microorganisms and adhering to epithelial cells of the vaginal mucosa leaving no space for invading pathogens, the naturally occurring Lactobacillus bacteria prevent invading microorganisms from taking hold. Under such acidic conditions, bacterial pathogens cannot grow and even those present are kept to asymptomatic levels. Thriving on glycogen stores produced by the vaginal mucosa after puberty, the Lactobacillus bacteria growth is directly affected by estrogen levels.

Sometimes it doesn’t have anything to do with your health habits. Did you know that low or high estrogen levels are contributing factors to vaginitis? Low estrogen levels significantly reduce the available glycogen-inhibiting Lactobacillus growth. Associated with menopause and natural hormone level changes prior to and following each menstrual cycle, low estrogen levels increase the risk of bacterial vaginosis infection. High estrogen levels, while important to control the pathogenic bacteria growth, may favour an overgrowth of Candida leading to a yeast infection, since Candida also grows on glycogen. Oral contraceptives with high estrogen levels or the use of antibiotics that destroy healthy vaginal flora both contribute to candidiasis.

Before running out to the pharmacy consider a healthy alternative. Today, women have access to many treatment options for vaginitis, including both pharmaceutical and over-the-counter probiotic vaginal suppositories. It is critical for a patient presenting a first time infection to confirm with an appropriate practitioner the type of infection prior to seeking alternative treatments. A standard treatment for vaginal infections in Europe for many years, there is currently only one probiotic approved for use in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis in Canada. This product is also approved for use in conjunction with other gynecological treatments, such as antibiotics and yeast infection treatments, and for symptomatic relief from candidiasis and trichomoniasis.

Did you know probiotics are suitable as a preventative therapy as well as to treat acute conditions? By fostering the growth of healthy Lactobacillus bacteria, probiotics work with the body’s natural defenses using microorganisms to restore or maintain the delicate balance. Containing active Lactobacillus strains and yogurt culture, probiotic treatments acidify the vagina inhibiting the growth of invading pathogens. Probiotic vaginal suppositories act as a protective barrier actually binding to the epithelial cells within the vaginal mucosa to prevent any other microorganisms from invading that space.

What can you do to maintain healthy flora? Vaginitis is exacerbated by stress, antibiotic use, diabetes, oral contraceptives, douching, as well as changes in hormone levels experienced during pregnancy and menopause. Conventional therapies used to treat vaginitis, including the common over-the-counter and prescription medications Metronidazol or Fluconazol, often fail to restore the natural vaginal flora leading to a high incidence of recurring infection. Women who are predisposed to vaginitis should consider avoiding antibiotics altogether or include a probiotic supplement to foster the growth of healthy vaginal flora.

By maintaining healthy habits and using probiotics for the prevention or treatment of vaginitis, women are taking charge of their vaginal health.

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