Monday, December 26, 2011
Sit back, relax and enjoy!
Sit back, relax and enjoy! 1.000.000 views!
Vimeo has introduced Couch Mode, a new leanback-style way to watch Vimeo videos in full screen from your couch
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Health benefits of herbs and spices, e.g. curcumin from turmeric
Health benefits of herbs and spices, e.g. curcumin from turmeric: a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants scavenge molecules in the body known as free radicals, which damage cell membranes, tamper with DNA, and even cause cell death. Antioxidants can fight free radicals and may reduce or even help prevent some of the damage they cause ★ → Turmeric may lower blood sugar levels: ★ →
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Friday, December 16, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Monday, November 07, 2011
Thursday, November 03, 2011
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Wednesday, August 03, 2011
Announcement on Dagong Downgrading the Credit Rating of the USA
Statement on #Dagong Downgrading the Credit Rating of the USA continuing the practice of repaying its old debt through raising new debt ● 災害 ●
"On August 2, 2011 (EST) the Congress of the United States of America (hereinafter referred to as the US) approved the bill on raising the debt ceiling of the government. Though this decision enables the government to continue the practice of repaying its old debt through raising new debt, it has not changed the general trend that the increase in national debt outpaces the increase in economy and revenue, making this incident a turning point for the US government’s solvency to decline even further. Hence, Dagong decides to downgrade the local and foreign currency credit rating of the US put on the negative watch list on July 14 from A+ to A with a negative outlook..."
"On August 2, 2011 (EST) the Congress of the United States of America (hereinafter referred to as the US) approved the bill on raising the debt ceiling of the government. Though this decision enables the government to continue the practice of repaying its old debt through raising new debt, it has not changed the general trend that the increase in national debt outpaces the increase in economy and revenue, making this incident a turning point for the US government’s solvency to decline even further. Hence, Dagong decides to downgrade the local and foreign currency credit rating of the US put on the negative watch list on July 14 from A+ to A with a negative outlook..."
Google+ Draws 25 Million Visitors in a Month
Google+ Draws 25 Million Visitors in a Month
Google Inc. (GOOG)’s new social-networking service drew about 25 million visitors in less than a month, outpacing Facebook Inc. and MySpace in their early days.
Google+ lockt 25 Millionen Besucher in einem Monat an!
Der neue Web2.0 Service (Beta-Version) zog in weniger als einem Monat an ~ 25 Millionen Besucher an - Facebook und MySpace in ihrer Anfangszeit übertrumpfend
Google Inc. (GOOG)’s new social-networking service drew about 25 million visitors in less than a month, outpacing Facebook Inc. and MySpace in their early days.
Google+ lockt 25 Millionen Besucher in einem Monat an!
Der neue Web2.0 Service (Beta-Version) zog in weniger als einem Monat an ~ 25 Millionen Besucher an - Facebook und MySpace in ihrer Anfangszeit übertrumpfend
Now it comes out: Italy & Spain also on shaky ground
Jetzt kommt es endlich raus: Italien & Spanien stehen finanziell und wirtschaftlich ebenfalls auf tönernen Füßen...
Italien bekommt jetzt auch die Kapitalflucht der Anleger zu spüren: Die Renditen für langfristige Staatsanleihen stiegen ebenfalls auf deutlich über 6% und damit auf ein Rekordhoch der EURO-Ära. Gemäß Bloomberg war es im Fall von Griechenland, Portugal und Irland diese 7%-Marke, die Rettungsmaßnahmen in erster Linie auf Kosten der Deutschen einläutete.
Italien bekommt jetzt auch die Kapitalflucht der Anleger zu spüren: Die Renditen für langfristige Staatsanleihen stiegen ebenfalls auf deutlich über 6% und damit auf ein Rekordhoch der EURO-Ära. Gemäß Bloomberg war es im Fall von Griechenland, Portugal und Irland diese 7%-Marke, die Rettungsmaßnahmen in erster Linie auf Kosten der Deutschen einläutete.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Visualizing the Internet: Realtime Web Monitor by AKAMAI
Visualizing the Internet: Realtime Web Monitor by AKAMAI
Friday, July 15, 2011
Thursday, July 07, 2011
Monday, June 20, 2011
Monday, June 13, 2011
Friday, April 08, 2011
Thursday, April 07, 2011
● Consequences of #Fukushima: German Ports Unsure How to Deal with #Contaminated Ships arriving in Europe in some days - via SPIEGEL
● Real-time indicator Firefox 4 download stats by country ● DOWNLOAD-STATISTIKEN weltweit ● Browser OPERA & Google Chrome pass the Acid3 test, neither Firefox nor Internet Explorer the score has to end on 100/100
● #Fukushima radioactive cloud - Japan wind forecast: The expected catastrophic wind shift
● #Japan #NUCLEAR #INFERNO power plants no longer technically manageable – Watch collection of live streaming TV #Onagawa #Fukushima #Tokai
● Location map of of some nuclear power plants in Japan
● ZDF Video über das AKW Fukushima (Japan) am 13. März 2011 und den GAU, der unaufhaltsam ins Rollen kommt
● "time to sunburn" See how WolframAlpha can calculate the time it takes to get a sunburn global UV index forecast
● Forbes list of billionaires is based on an annual assessment of wealth and assets
● BBC News - One-minute World News - the latest news summary from BBC World News
● Free live stream Al Jazeera English: excellent coverage from Egypt and other hot spots - watch the broadcast here!
● Wikipedia article traffic statistics, e.g. Al Jazeera on Wikipedia
● Google Translate translates text & web pages in over 50 languages <●> The losing competitor = Bing Translator
● Wael Ghonim: A "One-Off" for Silicon Valley? Google product manager who helped pull together the popular demonstrations
● Egypt on Jan 28, 2011 at 8:30 PM local time: Diplomatic car ran over 20 people in Cairo. To view this video, you must be logged in to gmail or Youtube
● Egypt on Jan 28, 2011 at 8:30 PM local time: Diplomatic car ran over 20 people in Cairo
● Egypt on Jan 25, 2011: important documentary video on horror scenario of Mubarak regime from Alexandria
● Since 1950 the population of Egypt has quadrupled! There is a huge poverty: no quick fix for Arab economic
● World population, población mundial, Weltbevölkerung, population mondiale, दुनिया की आबादी by WolframAlpha
● Daily sunspot number via search engine WolframAlpha ● NOAA / Space Weather Prediction Center ●
● World Daylight Map: Watch the sunrise / sunset all over the world on this real-time illustration with the current position of the sun!
● Vanessa-Mae plays Toccata & Fugue J.S. Bach - Toccata & Fuge BWV 565 6.000.000 views!
● Valentina Lisitsa plays Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2
● Meet the homeless man with the golden radio voice: now he is set to make a million. He finds a job after viral video success!
● Search engine WolframAlpha answers factual queries directly by computing the answer from structured data ● 200 international units of Vitamin D
● Social Mention: real time social media search engine that searches user-generated content such as blogs & bookmarks
● is a toy for generating “word clouds” from text that you provide. The clouds give greater prominence to words
● Educating Instead of Medicating Alternative Medicine Forums, Blogs & FAQs
● EUR-USD real-time ● Currency news regarding the Euro-zone: EUR-USD real-time ●●● longtime performance chart EUR-USD
● Stock Index RENIXX - Renewable Energy Industrial Index - World ● Aktienindex für erneuerbare Energien
● Schuldenkarussell: Deutschland hat 2 Billionen Staatsschulden! graphic Europe's Web of Debt
● How Secure Is My Password? Find out how long it would take a standard desktop PC to crack your password - use only fake passwords for testing!
● Chess Elo rating: 19-jähriger Norweger Magnus CARLSEN an der Spitze der Schach-Weltrangliste
● shows live aircraft traffic in the airspace above Europe - optimally adjusted
● Flight Transponder Radar: AIR TRAFFIC Switzerland, Strasbourg, Stuttgart
● Real-time flight tracker, flight status, scheduled time + real time of departure, gate information & flight delays
● Use to test the speed of your Internet connection. See if you are getting what you pay for!
● Trotz Gewalt- und Veruntreuungsvorwürfe zahlt Staat Gehalt für Bischof Mixa: staatliche Schlaraffenland-Versorgung für Bischöfe
● »Der Minister nimmt flüsternd den Bischof beim Arm: Halt Du sie dumm, ich halt sie arm!« by Reinhard Mey »Sei wachsam« aus Album LEUCHTFEUER
● Die üppige Schlaraffenland-Versorgung hoher geistlicher Würdenträger ist ein skandalöser Anachronismus! Bischöfe + Kardinäle werden hierzulande immer noch wie hohe Staatsbeamte behandelt & fürstlich bezahlt! Fastenpredigerin & Bischöfin Margot Käßmann wurde in der Fastenzeit im Alkoholrausch am Steuer erwischt - besoffen mit 1,54 Promille von der Polizei gestoppt - die rote Ampel mißachtend!
● Scandal: German Lutheran bishop Margot Kaessmann drove drunk passing a red light while three times over the legal limit!
● You can't escape the ubiquitous browser spying! All web sites are able to track you, even if you disable cookies!
● W3Counter Global Web Stats: Browser market share graph Google Chrome, OPERA, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer IE
● searches over 40 databases + over 2000 websites, offering 200 million pages of authoritative U.S. government science information - via one query! Scientific studies on the topic of health, e.g. type tumeric or curcumin or capsaicin curcumin!
● About new Facebook email service on livestream platform - Official live streaming channel from the FACEBOOK headquarters in Palo Alto - livestream video: CEO Mark Zuckerberg!
● Zweiklassen-Fütterung mit Muttermilch, ♂ bekommen wertvollere Nährstoffe ► Gestillte Kids: ~ 6 Punkte höherer Intelligenzquotient
● versus breast cancer: Turmeric + pepper halt growth of breast stem cells - curcumin from turmeric + piperine, derived from black peppers
● LinkedIn works with Twitter & vice versa! LinkedIn Co-founder Reid Hoffman + Twitter Co-founder Biz Stone are discussing on YouTube
● Is this site secure? Rapid test: check the URL via Norton AntiVirus ● Security risk of shortened URLs! Expand URL! Check it out!
● Chili Pepper is high in natural aspirin - a potent painkiller, alleviating headaches & joint pain! ● Firefox 3.5 download stats by country
● 2009 H1N1 swine flu pandemic by country - current stats summary of official reports - confirmed deaths - spread-trend in last 7 days
● Current German news about swine flu H1N1 in Germany (no English version) by Robert Koch Institut - Schweinegrippe aktueller Stand
● The dominant bilingual dictionary GERMAN - ENGLISH and vice versa! ● WordNet Dict ● NinjaWords Dict
● – Bilingual dictionary – GERMAN - ENGLISH and vice versa! Bilingual texts, translations + synonyms!
● WordNik dictionary includes WordNet, example sentences, related words, stats, pronunciations, definitions, etymology, images & Twitter
● BMI body mass index by WolframAlpha
● Airport distances and other data by search engine WolframAlpha: Nuremberg, Portland, Melbourne, Auckland
● My postings on DELICIOUS My postings on TWITTER
● Real-time indicator Firefox 4 download stats by country ● DOWNLOAD-STATISTIKEN weltweit ● Browser OPERA & Google Chrome pass the Acid3 test, neither Firefox nor Internet Explorer the score has to end on 100/100
● #Fukushima radioactive cloud - Japan wind forecast: The expected catastrophic wind shift
● #Japan #NUCLEAR #INFERNO power plants no longer technically manageable – Watch collection of live streaming TV #Onagawa #Fukushima #Tokai
● Location map of of some nuclear power plants in Japan
● ZDF Video über das AKW Fukushima (Japan) am 13. März 2011 und den GAU, der unaufhaltsam ins Rollen kommt
● "time to sunburn" See how WolframAlpha can calculate the time it takes to get a sunburn global UV index forecast
● Forbes list of billionaires is based on an annual assessment of wealth and assets
● BBC News - One-minute World News - the latest news summary from BBC World News
● Free live stream Al Jazeera English: excellent coverage from Egypt and other hot spots - watch the broadcast here!
● Wikipedia article traffic statistics, e.g. Al Jazeera on Wikipedia
● Google Translate translates text & web pages in over 50 languages <●> The losing competitor = Bing Translator
● Wael Ghonim: A "One-Off" for Silicon Valley? Google product manager who helped pull together the popular demonstrations
● Egypt on Jan 28, 2011 at 8:30 PM local time: Diplomatic car ran over 20 people in Cairo. To view this video, you must be logged in to gmail or Youtube
● Egypt on Jan 28, 2011 at 8:30 PM local time: Diplomatic car ran over 20 people in Cairo
● Egypt on Jan 25, 2011: important documentary video on horror scenario of Mubarak regime from Alexandria
● Since 1950 the population of Egypt has quadrupled! There is a huge poverty: no quick fix for Arab economic
● World population, población mundial, Weltbevölkerung, population mondiale, दुनिया की आबादी by WolframAlpha
● Daily sunspot number via search engine WolframAlpha ● NOAA / Space Weather Prediction Center ●
● World Daylight Map: Watch the sunrise / sunset all over the world on this real-time illustration with the current position of the sun!
● Vanessa-Mae plays Toccata & Fugue J.S. Bach - Toccata & Fuge BWV 565 6.000.000 views!
● Valentina Lisitsa plays Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2
● Meet the homeless man with the golden radio voice: now he is set to make a million. He finds a job after viral video success!
● Search engine WolframAlpha answers factual queries directly by computing the answer from structured data ● 200 international units of Vitamin D
● Social Mention: real time social media search engine that searches user-generated content such as blogs & bookmarks
● is a toy for generating “word clouds” from text that you provide. The clouds give greater prominence to words
● Educating Instead of Medicating Alternative Medicine Forums, Blogs & FAQs
● EUR-USD real-time ● Currency news regarding the Euro-zone: EUR-USD real-time ●●● longtime performance chart EUR-USD
● Stock Index RENIXX - Renewable Energy Industrial Index - World ● Aktienindex für erneuerbare Energien
● Schuldenkarussell: Deutschland hat 2 Billionen Staatsschulden! graphic Europe's Web of Debt
● How Secure Is My Password? Find out how long it would take a standard desktop PC to crack your password - use only fake passwords for testing!
● Chess Elo rating: 19-jähriger Norweger Magnus CARLSEN an der Spitze der Schach-Weltrangliste
● shows live aircraft traffic in the airspace above Europe - optimally adjusted
● Flight Transponder Radar: AIR TRAFFIC Switzerland, Strasbourg, Stuttgart
● Real-time flight tracker, flight status, scheduled time + real time of departure, gate information & flight delays
● Use to test the speed of your Internet connection. See if you are getting what you pay for!
● Trotz Gewalt- und Veruntreuungsvorwürfe zahlt Staat Gehalt für Bischof Mixa: staatliche Schlaraffenland-Versorgung für Bischöfe
● »Der Minister nimmt flüsternd den Bischof beim Arm: Halt Du sie dumm, ich halt sie arm!« by Reinhard Mey »Sei wachsam« aus Album LEUCHTFEUER
● Die üppige Schlaraffenland-Versorgung hoher geistlicher Würdenträger ist ein skandalöser Anachronismus! Bischöfe + Kardinäle werden hierzulande immer noch wie hohe Staatsbeamte behandelt & fürstlich bezahlt! Fastenpredigerin & Bischöfin Margot Käßmann wurde in der Fastenzeit im Alkoholrausch am Steuer erwischt - besoffen mit 1,54 Promille von der Polizei gestoppt - die rote Ampel mißachtend!
● Scandal: German Lutheran bishop Margot Kaessmann drove drunk passing a red light while three times over the legal limit!
● You can't escape the ubiquitous browser spying! All web sites are able to track you, even if you disable cookies!
● W3Counter Global Web Stats: Browser market share graph Google Chrome, OPERA, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer IE
● searches over 40 databases + over 2000 websites, offering 200 million pages of authoritative U.S. government science information - via one query! Scientific studies on the topic of health, e.g. type tumeric or curcumin or capsaicin curcumin!
● About new Facebook email service on livestream platform - Official live streaming channel from the FACEBOOK headquarters in Palo Alto - livestream video: CEO Mark Zuckerberg!
● Zweiklassen-Fütterung mit Muttermilch, ♂ bekommen wertvollere Nährstoffe ► Gestillte Kids: ~ 6 Punkte höherer Intelligenzquotient
● versus breast cancer: Turmeric + pepper halt growth of breast stem cells - curcumin from turmeric + piperine, derived from black peppers
● LinkedIn works with Twitter & vice versa! LinkedIn Co-founder Reid Hoffman + Twitter Co-founder Biz Stone are discussing on YouTube
● Is this site secure? Rapid test: check the URL via Norton AntiVirus ● Security risk of shortened URLs! Expand URL! Check it out!
● Chili Pepper is high in natural aspirin - a potent painkiller, alleviating headaches & joint pain! ● Firefox 3.5 download stats by country
● 2009 H1N1 swine flu pandemic by country - current stats summary of official reports - confirmed deaths - spread-trend in last 7 days
● Current German news about swine flu H1N1 in Germany (no English version) by Robert Koch Institut - Schweinegrippe aktueller Stand
● The dominant bilingual dictionary GERMAN - ENGLISH and vice versa! ● WordNet Dict ● NinjaWords Dict
● – Bilingual dictionary – GERMAN - ENGLISH and vice versa! Bilingual texts, translations + synonyms!
● WordNik dictionary includes WordNet, example sentences, related words, stats, pronunciations, definitions, etymology, images & Twitter
● BMI body mass index by WolframAlpha
● Airport distances and other data by search engine WolframAlpha: Nuremberg, Portland, Melbourne, Auckland
● My postings on DELICIOUS My postings on TWITTER
My former local area - the pic below shows a water wheel in the Regnitz River

Hurricane forecast map for Atlantic , for Pacific by
Have you ever seen such an awesome pic? Elephant love ► ●
Get a glimpse of picturesque Germany ● ● ● 854952 views in May 2009: No matter who you are ...
● ● a tantrum at her finest 01:27 min - 42.452 views: ●
● Excellent HD Pics of rotten pirates of Somalia by ● ●
Library crimes: 04:11 min - 128814 views:
● Meta search engine BlindSearch ● Picturesque Europe ►►►
Picturesque Germany ►►►
LCD monitor test images ●●●
Ecologically inspired web search ►
The Capitalist Crisis of Credit Visualized ►
Monster Dr. Z of Germany Inc. & his Liechtenstein-Connection (German version):
● Uncontacted Tribe Photographed in Brazil ►►►
Women's World Chess Champion SUSAN POLGAR from HUNGARY ►
Darwin's study ►►►
► ►
♫ Wolf Maahn - TSCHERNOBYL, Das letzte Signal Schlitz 1986 ♫ views 13.278 on April 11, 2009 ♫ ♫ - the very best version of THE KILLERS Read My Mind! e.g. Read My Mind by The Killers or The Bleeding Heart Show by The New Pornographers
George Carlin - Religion is ... ●●● > 5.000.000 views in April 2009 ●●●
♀ Simone de Beauvoir
♀ What Do Women Want? - Discovering What Ignites Female Desire:
● Usage share of web browsers: Google Chrome, OPERA, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari
DPA Nachrichten Ticker: Kurzmeldungen rund um die Uhr
Warum die Grippesaison in den Winter fällt >>> Luftfeuchtigkeit ist im Sommer generell deutlich höher als im Winter
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- ← 30 km (beeline) away from my native city → Bu...
- Christmas Tree in Germany, Dec 24, 2011
- The Best Natural Painkillers
- Group sex collective Voina supposed to serve as as...
- Male violence against women ←→ Women Protest World...
- Health benefits of herbs and spices, e.g. curcumin...
- The inhuman North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il Dies...
- From Newsweek to the Daily Mail, anti-German senti...
- Natural pain killers like anti-inflammatory TURMER...
- The New Yorker on the APPLE leader Steve Jobs: Mor...
- Curcumin from TURMERIC Kicks Off Cancer-Killing Me...
- The big story isn’t Greece or Gadhafi; it’s the bi...
- Optimizing Your Vitamin K and D Intake - top vitam...
- 100 milligrams curcumin is enough to down modulate...
My favorite links - commercial-free
- * Boston weather (latitude 42° N - current airport weather conditions) by WolframAlpha
- * Portland OREGON Latitude 45° - weather by WolframAlpha
- * San Francisco - Nuremberg - Boston - Melbourne - current local times + distances by WolframAlpha
- * San Francisco earthquake weather - The SF Bay Area sometimes shakes! Bay Area Earthquakes
- * San Francisco weather (latitude 37° N - KSFO airport - current weather conditions e.g. pressure) by US National Weather Service
- * San Francisco weather (latitude 37° N - KSFO airport - current weather conditions) by WolframAlpha
- * San Francisco weather + California clouds (latitude 37° N - current clouds conditions) by + Google maps
- * San Francisco Weather - detailed 7-day weather forecast by
- * Tallahassee (Florida) weather (latitude 30° N - current airport weather conditions) by WolframAlpha
- CRUDE OIL charts, data,stats + links
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- Reference on DELICIOUS
- The excellent WolframAlpha performance using the example of GOOG vs AAPL
- WordNet Dictionary by Princeton University
- Idioms + Context Dictionary German English German
- dictionary: example sentences, related words, statistics, pronunciations, summary, definitions, images, etymology + last but not least Twitter
- ● DPA-Nachrichten-Ticker: Kurzmeldungen rund um die Uhr ohne jegliche Reklame!
- ● Isobars & air pressure analysis / 7-Day Forecast EUROPE
- ● Weather in Erlangen, Germany, by New York Times - Current Conditions - 5-Day Forecast
- ●● vitally important internet security news issued by the German Government (German version only)