Monday, January 30, 2023

Artificial Intelligence and chatbots like ChatGPT pose a threat to the traditional media and their business model. Companies like Google have already recognized the impact of AI on their industry. The next generation of AI models like GPT-4 is expected to increase the disruptive effects. AI is becoming more accessible to the masses, with several companies working on AI-powered chatbots to offer as a service. To survive in this changing landscape, media companies need to focus on building a stronger relationship with their audience through human-like dialogue, experimenting with new ways to involve their audience in their content creation, and educating the public on the limitations of AI. The unique value of media companies is their ability to bring people together for dialogue and provide context context that AI has not yet been able to replace <<<>>>,TULhkun <<<>>> KI greift die Rolle der Medien als Weltvermittler an! Google (GOOGL) hat erkannt, daß eine Antwortmaschine wie ChatGPT eine Bedrohung für ihr bisheriges Geschäftsmodell darstellt, denn es gibt weltweit kaum Berührungsängste: im Gegenteil! Alle Internet-User wollen möglichst schnell diesen Chatbot ausprobieren!

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