Friday, May 31, 2024
Vitamin B12 and its biomarkers are closely related to bone mineral density, body composition, muscle strength and physical function in middle-aged and older adults. Vitamin B12 may be an important indicator of musculoskeletal health in the elderly
Thursday, May 30, 2024
An invasive pest called the Pharaoh ant from East Asia is spreading in🇩🇪
Die Pharaoameise kann in den gemäßigten Breiten nur an warmen Orten wie geheizten Räumen überleben, den Winter könnte sie nicht im Freien überleben. Daher lebt sie vorrangig in Gebäuden mit gleichbleibend hoher Temperatur, z.B. in Treibhäusern, Krankenhäusern, Großküchen, Bäckereien, Hotels, Privathaushalten
Wednesday, May 29, 2024
Scientists from the University of Pennsylvania have found that ppl who take omega-3, which is found in fish, flaxseed and walnuts, are less likely to have aggressive & violent outbursts
Ω3 has been shown to promote brain functions and modestly but significantly reduces aggression in children and adults.
Omega-3 supplementation reduces aggressive behavior: A meta-analytic review of randomized controlled trials
Tuesday, May 28, 2024
Antioxidants stimulate BACH1-dependent tumor angiogenesis (Published Aug 31, 2023)
Zusammenhang von Antioxidantien und Tumorwachstum
Noch nicht geklärt ist, ob Antioxidantien das Krebsrisiko nicht erkrankter Menschen beeinflussen
Monday, May 27, 2024
Occurrence of heavy metals in chocolates:
Health risk assessment
The presence of contaminants in cacao-derived products has raised global health concerns.
The study showed that Cd and Pb levels in nearly all chocolate samples
Sunday, May 26, 2024
Disease-causing oils 🔴⟿
Is there a healthy way to enjoy deep-fried foods?
About the best and worst oil for deep-frying:
Gibt es eine gesunde Art, frittierte Lebensmittel zu genießen❓ Informieren Sie sich über das beste und schlechteste Öl zum Frittieren
Saturday, May 25, 2024
Indestructible PFAS in drinking water everywhere!
Toxic forever chemicals are in pans, fruit, dust, tap water: harmful even at extremely low levels of exposure!
Laws requiring low levels of PFAS in public drinking water are creating major financial burdens
Possible association between tattoos and lymphoma revealed
In total, the entire study included 11905 people. Of these, 2938 people had lymphoma when they were between 20 and 60 years old
Tattoos as a risk factor for malignant lymphoma!
Friday, May 24, 2024
Microplastics Found in Blood Clots in Heart, Brain, And Legs
Now, a new study from researchers in China reports finding microplastics in blood clots surgically removed from arteries in the heart and brain, and deep veins in the lower legs
Study finds regular use of fish oil supplements may increase, not reduce, the risk of first-time stroke and atrial fibrillation among people in good cardiovascular health
For people without heart issues, regular use of fish oil supplements was associated with a 13% higher risk of developing atrial fibrillation and a 5% heightened risk of having a stroke
Thursday, May 23, 2024
Vitamin D deficiency is associated with incident diabetes in older adults, confirming the results of previous studies. This confirms the increasing evidence of multiple effects of vitamin D beyond bone and calcium metabolism
Lack of vitamin D is among the most frequent conditions in old age
No information was available on either dose or formulation of the fish oil supplements
This was an observational study, so no conclusions can be drawn about causal factors, the authors caution
In order to find out how much protection it affords, a team of researchers in China, the US, the UK and Denmark monitored the health of more than 400,000 participants in the UK Biobank for an average of 12 years to estimate the associations between fish oil supplements and new cases of atrial fibrillation (irregular heartbeat); heart attack, stroke, and heart failure; and death in people with no known cardiovascular disease. <<<❗
The total daily amount of omega-3 fatty acids (EPA + DHA) in the form of food supplements should not exceed 1 g in order to have a minimal positive effect on heart health. More than 1 g daily increases the risk of atrial fibrillation❗
Wednesday, May 22, 2024
Study: Certain nutrients may slow brain aging
Antioxidants and carotenoids including cis-lutein, trans-lutein and zeaxanthin; two forms of vitamin E and choline. This profile is correlated with nutrients found in the Mediterranean diet
Österreichische Studie zeigt, daß Mikroplastik in der Halsschlagader nachweisbar ist❗️
Es gibt immer mehr Hinweise auf schädigende Effekte in Blutgefäßen.
Belastung mit Mikro-/Nanoplastik als potentieller Risikofaktor für Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen
Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Kondensstreifen beeinflussen den Klimawandel noch stärker als der CO2-Ausstoß der Flieger❗️ Kondensstreifen tragen erheblich zur globalen Erwärmung durch den Luftverkehr bei und machen ~35% der Gesamtauswirkungen des Luftverkehrs auf den Klimawandel aus❗️
Monday, May 20, 2024
Health Benefits of Black Seed Oil (Nigella sativa)
It has several potential benefits, such as the ability to reduce inflammation. It's available in capsule and liquid form.
Taking black seed may slightly reduce blood pressure and may help with weight loss
Sunday, May 19, 2024
High levels of weedkiller found in more than half of sperm samples, study finds
Glyphosate found in samples from French infertility clinic raising questions about controversial chemical’s impact on fertility
Saturday, May 18, 2024
Gemini Live mit echten Gesprächen per Spracheingabe. 10 Stimmen gibt's zur Auswahl:
Hoffentlich eine Stimme in der begnadeten Tonlage des Virologen Prof. Kekulé
Für einen kleinen Obolus findet Gemini Live Talk im Tempo des Nutzers statt
Not all ticks are infected with disease-causing germs — about 20% to 30% of the blacklegged tick nymphs.
Lyme disease symptoms tend to start between 3 and 30 days after a bite occurs and can include fever, headache, fatigue and rash
Friday, May 17, 2024
9 Signs You’re Super Healthy!
E.g. having a strong support system and meaningful social connections is crucial for overall well-being. If you have at least two close friends whom you can rely on, it’s a good indicator of your emotional healthe
Thursday, May 16, 2024
Close relationships at work can be valuable for those involved, but it's often a different story for those on the outside. Here's how to make sure you don't inadvertently make others feel unwelcome or excluded
Benefits & hidden costs of clique membership
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Sleep May Not Aid Brain Detox
Contrary to previous beliefs that sleep enhances the glymphatic system’s function, these findings suggest that being awake might actually be more effective in clearing brain toxins href="">
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
On May 14, 2024, Anthropic, an AI company supported by GOOGL + AMZN, finally made its ChatGPT competitor Claude available in the EU
Neben der Webversion von CLAUDE 3 gibt es auch eine App für iOS, aber leider noch nicht für Android
Monday, May 13, 2024
Bluthochdruck natürlich senken - die Turbomethode für jedermann, die sogar wissenschaftlich beweisbar ist. Alle wünschen sich eine Blutdrucksenkung, egal ob sie schon Blutdrucksenker einnehmen oder eine Erhöhung von Beta-Blocker und Co. vermeiden wollen
Brain clearance is reduced during sleep and anesthesia
The brain's ability to rid itself of toxins may actually be reduced during sleep, contrary to the leading scientific theory
Daily deep sleep is essential for your health
What is ultra-processed food and what does it mean for your health? | BBC News
How Bad Are Ultraprocessed Foods, Really?
They’re clearly linked to poor health. But scientists are only beginning to understand why
Sunday, May 12, 2024
Dr. Michael Mosley sagt, er nehme eine 2-Cent-Pille, um Demenz + Krebs zu stoppen. Vitamin D kann Ihr Körper es mit zunehmendem Alter weniger gut aufnehmen – und es ist entscheidend, um Demenz vorzubeugen und das Risiko von Dickdarmkrebs zu verringern
Saturday, May 11, 2024
Space weather live: real-time auroral and solar activity
Geomagnetischer Sturm am Wochenende: Nordlichter auch in Deutschland möglich
Ein großer Sonnenfleck hat jüngst x Röntgenstrahlungsausbrüche der höchsten Klasse X produziert
Friday, May 10, 2024
There’s a New Covid Variant. What Will That Mean for Summer?
Experts are closely watching KP.2, now the leading variant
While cases currently don’t appear to be on the rise, researchers are closely watching whether the variant will drive a summer surge
Thursday, May 09, 2024
Der häufige Verzehr von Olivenöl, am besten mindestens 7 g pro Tag, senkt das Risiko, an Demenz zu sterben, um 28 %
Das hat eine US-Studie mit >92000 Teilnehmern und einer Beobachtungszeit von 28 Jahren ergeben
Mediterranean Diet ³
esearchers from Washington University in St. Louis found people who took suvorexant, a common treatment for insomnia, for two nights at a sleep clinic experienced a slight drop in two proteins, amyloid-beta and tau, that pile up in Alzheimer's disease
Wednesday, May 08, 2024
The findings demonstrated that treatment with Berberine (BBR) cleared Aβ plaques, alleviated neuroinflammation, and ameliorated spatial memory dysfunction in AD. Berberine significantly alleviated intestinal inflammation, decreased intestinal permeability
Tuesday, May 07, 2024
C. auris is spreading rapidly worldwide❗️
Gefährliche Infektion mit Pilz Candida Auris breitet sich rasant in🇩🇪 aus via Schmutz- und Schmierinfektion❗️ Hefen allgemein und besonders Candida auris haften extrem gut auf Oberflächen❗️
Twitter-Erfinder Jack Dorsey sitzt nicht mehr im Vorstand von Bluesky, deren Entwicklung er 2019 noch selbst angekündigt hat. Das hat er jetzt auf eine diesbezügliche Nachfrage öffentlich gemacht, aber nicht auf Bluesky, sondern auf X - aka TWiTTER
Monday, May 06, 2024
The researchers said that with approximately 2% of the general population thought to have two copies of ApoE4, this form of Alzheimer’s constituted one of the most frequently occurring diseases that was down to alterations in just one gene
Wer die Genmutation Apolipoprotein-4 hat, kriegt fast sicher Alzheimer❗️
2 Kopien von ApoE4 im Erbgut und man wird höchstwahrscheinlich dement
APOE4 in seiner doppelten Form ist nicht nur Risikogen, sondern ein direkter genetischer Auslöser für Alzheimer❗️
Wettbewerbsverzerrung ³❗️ Der Staatskonzern Dt. Telekom will MobilfunkKunden fürstlich beschenken: "Während der Europameisterschaft gibt es beim Mobilfunk beim Datenvolumen im Netz der Telekom überhaupt kein Limit. Das heißt, ihr könnt surfen, so viel ihr wollt"
Egg consumption and bone mass density among the elderly
Das Zögern, diesen Zusammenhang zu erforschen, könnte auf historische Bedenken wegen des Cholesteringehalts zurückzuführen sein, die den potentiellen gesundheitlichen Nutzen von Eiern überschatten❗️
Bereits Anfang 2023 warnte das US-Gesundheitsministerium vor dem Pilz Candida auris.
Er wird über Schmierinfektionen übertragen und kann sich zum Teil monatelang auf Oberflächen halten.
Gefährlicher Krankheitserreger breitet sich in Deutschland aus
Sunday, May 05, 2024
Walking for 30 min at a specific time of the day can help people shed weight faster
A brisk walk early in the morning doesn't just work wonders for weight loss, but it also promotes healthy living and can keep a person's sleeping pattern in check❗
Saturday, May 04, 2024
Babies born through IVF using frozen embryos are at inBabies born using frozen IVF embryos ‘at higher risk of childhood leukaemia’
Although the numbers of kids developing blood cancer was very small, French experts found the risk of disease was 61% higher compared with children conceived naturally
Friday, May 03, 2024
Age-specific and cause-specific mortality contributions to the socioeconomic gap in life expectancy in Germany, 2003–21
## Länder nach Lebenserwartung (Stand: 2024-03-02)
*Top 5:*
1. *Japan*: 84,3 Jahre
2. *Hongkong*: 84,2 Jahre
3. *Schweiz*: 83,7 Jahre
4. *Singapur*: 83,7 Jahre
5. *Australien*: 83,4 Jahre
*Rangliste der Top 20:*
| Rang | Land | Lebenserwartung |
| 6 | Spanien | 83,3 Jahre |
| 7 | Italien | 83,2 Jahre |
| 8 | Island | 83,1 Jahre |
| 9 | Israel | 83,0 Jahre |
| 10 | Frankreich | 82,9 Jahre |
| 11 | Norwegen | 82,8 Jahre |
| 12 | Schweden | 82,7 Jahre |
| 13 | Neuseeland | 82,6 Jahre |
| 14 | Malta | 82,5 Jahre |
| 15 | Kanada | 82,4 Jahre |
| 16 | Deutschland | 82,3 Jahre |
| 17 | Finnland | 82,2 Jahre |
| 18 | Österreich | 82,1 Jahre |
| 19 | Irland | 82,0 Jahre |
| 20 | Vereinigtes Königreich | 81,9 Jahre |
Thursday, May 02, 2024
The Claude iOS app has arrived. The power of frontier intelligence is now in your back pocket.
AI research and products that put safety at the frontier: Claude 3, now available.
Your friendly assistant. Fast, capable, and truly conversational
Wednesday, May 01, 2024
A new study of 36000 US adults suggests that too much dietary calcium intake in evening meals could lead to a higher risk of cardiovascular disease
Circadian rhythms help regulate the absorption of calcium: daylight hours are generally the best for that process
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- Vitamin B12 and its biomarkers are closely related...
- An invasive pest called the Pharaoh ant from East ...
- Scientists from the University of Pennsylvania hav...
- Antioxidants stimulate BACH1-dependent tumor angio...
- Occurrence of heavy metals in chocolates: Health r...
- Disease-causing oils 🔴⟿ Is there a healthy way to...
- Indestructible PFAS in drinking water everywhere! ...
- Possible association between tattoos and lymphoma ...
- Microplastics Found in Blood Clots in Heart, Brain...
- Study finds regular use of fish oil supplements ma...
- Vitamin D deficiency is associated with incident d...
- No information was available on either dose or for...
- Study: Certain nutrients may slow brain aging http...
- Österreichische Studie zeigt, daß Mikroplastik in ...
- Kondensstreifen beeinflussen den Klimawandel noch ...
- Health Benefits of Black Seed Oil (Nigella sativa)...
- High levels of weedkiller found in more than half ...
- Gemini Live mit echten Gesprächen per Spracheingab...
- 9 Signs You’re Super Healthy!
- Close relationships at work can be valuable for th...
- Sleep May Not Aid Brain Detox https://neuroscience...
- On May 14, 2024, Anthropic, an AI company supporte...
- Bluthochdruck natürlich senken - die Turbomethode ...
- Brain clearance is reduced during sleep and anesth...
- What is ultra-processed food and what does it mean...
- Dr. Michael Mosley sagt, er nehme eine 2-Cent-Pill...
- Space weather live: real-time auroral and solar ac...
- There’s a New Covid Variant. What Will That Mean f...
- Der häufige Verzehr von Olivenöl, am besten mindes...
- esearchers from Washington University in St. Louis...
- The findings demonstrated that treatment with Berb...
- C. auris is spreading rapidly worldwide❗️ https://...
- Twitter-Erfinder Jack Dorsey sitzt nicht mehr im V...
- The researchers said that with approximately 2% of...
- Wer die Genmutation Apolipoprotein-4 hat, kriegt f...
- Wettbewerbsverzerrung ³❗️ Der Staatskonzern Dt. Te...
- Egg consumption and bone mass density among the el...
- Bereits Anfang 2023 warnte das US-Gesundheitsminis...
- Walking for 30 min at a specific time of the day c...
- Babies born through IVF using frozen embryos are a...
- Age-specific and cause-specific mortality contribu...
- The Claude iOS app has arrived. The power of front...
- A new study of 36000 US adults suggests that too m...
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