Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Tea bags could introduce microplastics to your morning brew! While paper cups are supposed to be more environmentally friendly, they surprisingly contribute to plastic pollution. These cups require a layer of sealant, typically consisting of up to 10 per cent high-density polyethylene (HDPE), to prevent liquid leakage
What’s the Least Amount of Sleep You Really Need to Get❓ Deep sleep seems to be particularly important for the brain’s waste removal system, or glymphatic system, which removes the waste products produced by the brain. Try to get 5–6 h each night❗️ A very small number of people have a genetic mutation that allows them to function on less than 6.5 hours of sleep per night with no apparent consequences to their health. This genetic mutation is quite rare, with experts estimating that it only affects around one in 25,000 people
Corona-Zahlen steigen❗️ "Wir fühlen uns wirklich an die Zeit vor 2 Jahren erinnert. Wir haben offensichtlichv flächendeckend im größeren Maß Ausbrüche von Corona❗️ RKI geht davon aus, daß die Inzidenz bei ~500 liegt. Der Trend geht aber stark nach oben❗️

Monday, July 01, 2024

Genome-wide association studies of coffee intake in UK/USparticipants of European ancestry uncover cohort-specificgenetic associations Study finds link between genetics and coffee intake Die Liebe zum Kaffee kiegt in Ihren Genen
Toxic PFAS absorbed through skin (from a range of products, including makeup) at levels higher than previously thought❗️ Absorption through skin could be significant source of exposure to toxic forever chemicals They have been found to accumulate in humans

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