Thursday, February 29, 2024

Environmental pollutants of car tire microplastic particles❗️ >>> <<< The vast majority of microplastics aren't from breaking down single-use plastics, but from car tires which simply by being worn down while driving, emit more microplastics than anything by far❗️

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

In Deutschland wird weiterhin massenhaft lustig munter bei der Anfertigung von Bachelorarbeiten via KI betrogen >>> >>> Wegen KI-Schummelei: Österreichische FH macht Schluß mit Bachelor-Arbeiten! Studentinnen lassen sich ihre Arbeiten immer öfter von ChatGPT schreiben

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

PostCovid Ausgebremst von LongCovid: Die Ärztin und Medizin-Influencerin Natalie Grams erlebt die Hölle und die Höchststrafe von Ärzten: Mißachtung >>> >> Ein lesenswertes Interview! Medizin-Influencerin Natalie Grams mit Long Covid: „Das ist kein Psychokram“

Monday, February 26, 2024

The best time to take an omega-3 supplement is with a meal that contains dietary fat. Take the supplement with omega-3-rich foods like anchovies that contain EPA + DHA and plant-based sources like flaxseed oil with ALA to ensure a balanced intake of all 3! >>>
Long Covid: 18- bis 45-jährige Frauen sind überproportional häufig von Post-Covid betroffen >>>,U5HFU7w ~10% aller an Covid-19-erkrankten Erwachsenen kämpfen mit den Spätfolgen. Zu den möglichen Symptomen gehörten unter anderem Kopfschmerzen, brain fog und Erschöpfung 🔴

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Protection against Covid: How are N95 masks different from KN95 masks❓ The main difference lies in how the masks are certified. N95 is the US standard, and the KN95 is the China standard, but KN95 masks have many of the same protective properties >>>
Dietary Thiamine (vitamin B1) Linked With Cognition >>> J-shaped curve emerges between vitamin B1 in diet and cognitive decline >>> >>> with an inflection point at 0.68 mg/day and a minimal risk at 0.60-1.00 mg/day of dietary thiamine intake 🔴 For the first time, researchers have discovered a J-shaped curve that indicates consuming too little or too much thiamine is associated with cognitive decline. The sweet spot of the amount of thiamine to consume, according to the research, is 0.68mg per day >>>

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Looking for ways to increase your lifespan and feel younger? Discover powerful molecules found in everyday foods that can help improve your overall >>> health <<< 7 Lebensmittel, die Sie länger leben lassen

Friday, February 23, 2024

Darmkrebs ist die 3. häufigste Krebsform >>> >>> 5 Frühwarnzeichen: anhaltende Veränderungen beim Stuhlgang wie Durchfall oder Verstopfung, Blut im Stuhl, Gewichtsverlust, ständiges Gefühl der Müdigkeit und Schwäche, sowie anhaltende Bauchschmerzen oder Krämpfe

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Die Position, in der Sie schlafen, beeinflußt die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Schulterverletzung besonders bei Älteren >>> >>> Wenn Sie auf der Seite schlafen, erhöht sich die Wahrscheinlichkeit eines Risses der Rotatorenmanschette auf der Seite, auf der Sie schlafen >>> The position in which you sleep influences the likelihood of injuring your shoulders. Sleeping on your side increases the likelihood of tearing the rotator cuff on the side you sleep on. >>> The prevalence is even greater in those individuals older than 50 years of age, with some studies demonstrating RC tears exceeding 50% in individuals older than 80 years.10,11 This pathology can be poorly diagnosed and mistreated, resulting in pain, loss of function

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Even people without fevers may still be contagious and can spread Covid to others, which can be especially dangerous for people from vulnerable groups, like those who are over the age of 65, people who have weakened immune ystems or people with long-Covid❗ >>>

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

High levels of niacin linked to heart disease, new research suggests >>> >>> Excess amounts of vitamin B3, which is found in meat, fish, nuts, and fortified cereals and breads — may trigger inflammation and damage blood vessels >>> >>> The recommended daily allowance of niacin for men is 16 mg per day and for women 14 mg per day

Monday, February 19, 2024

Paracetamol depletes the body's vital stores of glutathione❗️ >>> >>> the effect that paracetamol has on blood pressure is similar badly to non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, which are known to increase the levels of the health problem❗️

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Long COVID can destroy your ability to exercise❗️ >>> >>> A study shows, the answer lies in some long COVID sufferers’ muscle damage and their bodies’ ability to make energy >>> >>> COVID patients 4,3 times more likely to develop chronic fatigue❗️
Activity of Gut-Derived Nisin-like Lantibiotics against Human Gut Pathogens and Commensals >>> Food preservatives wipe out protective bacteria in gut >>> Nisin is, in essence, an antibiotic >>>

Saturday, February 17, 2024

This is how a vitamin K deficiency becomes apparent. Vitamin K is essential for blood clotting and bones. If there is a deficiency, it can be dangerous >>> >>> Vitamin K ist unerläßlich für Blutgerinnung + Knochendichte❗️ Liegt ein Mangel vor, wird es gefährlich

Friday, February 16, 2024

How Long Should You Isolate With COVID-19? Experts Are Split >>> >>> Since 2021, people with COVID-19 have been told to isolate themselves for at least 5 days to avoid spreading the disease, but unfortunately that practice may soon join as relics of the peak pandemic era ...

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Coorona, Covid: Für Immungeschwächte und Leute über 60 Jahren kann es immer noch zu schweren Erkrankungen kommen. Deshalb sollten sie sich nach der aktuellen Empfehlung einmal pro Jahr weiter impfen lassen und sich zu Zeiten hoher Infektionszahlen mit einer Maske schützen >>> 🇩🇪

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Over age 65, only high-dose daily supplements may suffice. At age 50, everyone should start supplementing with B12-fortified foods or supplements regardless of the type of diet they follow >>> >>> Vitamin B12 supplement as cyanocobalamin in chewable or sublingual!

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

ChatGPT (mfst) vs. Gemini (Google): Which AI Chatbot Subscription Is Right for You? Everyone wants your $20 per month for access to their best AI chatbot. Who gets it depends on what features are important to you >>>

Monday, February 12, 2024

Did you know your blood type may play a role in your likelihood of developing some health problems, like blood clotting❓ >>> >>> People with type A, type B or type AB blood are more likely than people with type O to have a heart attack or experience heart failure❗

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Olive oil’s health benefits, called ‘liquid gold’ >>> >>> Often oil is heart healthy and may have numerous neurological benefits. You can include this as regularly as you like as part of a healthy balanced diet. Olive oil should not be used after 24 months, as this will have gone rancid (this can happen after 18 months with some olive oil)

Saturday, February 10, 2024

"How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place" - postlude arrangement by organist Yasmin Phillip (2min) >>> >>> 806 subscribers – 11 x like button – 67 views on Feb 9, 2024

Friday, February 09, 2024

The 4 Best Anti-Aging Vitamins You Should Take >>> >>> In order to obtain Vitamin K's anti-aging benefits, the recommended dose for adults is "90 to 120 micrograms" per day❗️ You can increase your intake by eating kale, spinach, lettuce, cabbage and green beans

Thursday, February 08, 2024

Google Has Renamed BARD After GEMINI >>> >>> Die Google geniale "Gemini Advanced" App ist ab sofort in mehr als 150 Ländern: die bürokratische EU muß wieder einmal vorerst draußen bleiben >>> >>> $20 AI subscription on Google One, but not in EUROPE❗

Wednesday, February 07, 2024

Kasseler Studie zeigt: ÖPNV ist eine Corona-Virenschleuder >>> >>> Es gebe auch Maßnahmen wie das Öffnen der Türen an Haltestellen, die den Infektionsschutz zwar kaum verbessern, aber zum Sicherheitsempfinden der Fahrgäste beitragen ❗❗❗>>> Seitens der Fahrgäste ist das wirksamste Mittel dabei die Maske. Trägt man eine, ist das Infektionsrisiko laut der Studie 20-fach geringer als ohne Mund-Nasen-Schutz

Tuesday, February 06, 2024

Quiz: Wie viel wissen Sie über die deutsche Sprache? Testen Sie sich hier kostenlos! >>> >>> Quiz: How much do you know about the German language? Test yourself here for free! 🇩🇪

Monday, February 05, 2024

While findings are striking, the observational study cannot determine whether Viagra and similar pills protect against Alzheimer’s or whether men who are already less prone to the condition are simply more likely to use the tablets >>> >>> >>> Men on Viagra may reduce their Alzheimer's risk – In research on more than 260000 men, those taking the drugs were 18% less likely to develop the dementia-cathose taking the drugs were 18% less likely to develop the dementia-causing condition. >>> >>> Drugs like Viagra were originally designed to treat high blood pressure and angina. They work by acting on a cell-signalling messenger that may also be linked to memory. They are also known to affect brain cell activity, and research in animals suggests they have some protective effect on the brain.

Sunday, February 04, 2024

Bedenkliche SAR-Höchstwerte, SAR Suche: Die Liste der in puncto Strahlung besonders gut aufgestellten Smartphones und iPhones >>> Bundesamt stellt klar: Diese Handys sind hart an der Risikogrenze >>> 🇩🇪

Saturday, February 03, 2024

Women have 4 times men's rate of autoimmune disease❗ The X chromosome may be to blame >>> <<< Most females carry 2 X chromosomes in each cell, while most males have an X + a Y The X chromosome is larger than the Y and contains far more genes that code for proteins >>> Why autoimmune disease is more common in women: X chromosome holds clues >>>

Friday, February 02, 2024

"Da die Entwicklung bei KI exponentiell verläuft, dürfte es mittelfristig fast keine Programmierer mehr benötigen, sowie unzählige andere Berufe. Läßt man Chat GPT 4 menschliche IQ Tests bearbeiten kommt ungefähr ein IQ von 150 heraus, für Chat GPT 4" >>> Bard hat eine Art integrierter Prüffunktion. Auch diese zieht in die deutsche Version ein. Ein kleines G wie Google dient als Button, über den man die Google-Suche erreicht. Darüber kann man einzelne Passagen und Aussagen, die der Chatbot getroffen hat, mit einer Websuche checken. Bekanntlich halluzinieren Chatbots jeglicher Couleur gerne mal. Solange die Anbieter keine Lösung für das Problem finden, muss der Anwender Ergebnisse kontrollieren >>>

Thursday, February 01, 2024

Der durch ein freiwilliges Unterstützermodell finanzierte Guardian verrät seine Lieblingsstrände >>> >>> in Griechenland, Spanien, Frankreich, Kroatien, Italien und Portugal >>> Großartig: immer noch keine Bezahlschranke

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