Tuesday, January 16, 2024

We know that plastics shed particles much like how people shed skin cells, continually❗️ Microscopic plastic in a bottle of water >>> https://www.newscientist.com/article/2411329-there-can-be-240000-plastic-particles-in-a-litre-bottle-of-water/ There is no reason why similar amounts of nanoplastics wouldn’t be in EU water bottles, as well as those from other countries! >>> https://twitter.com/erlesen/status/1746877972982763949 Ein Liter Wasser in Plastikflaschen enthält rund 250.000 Partikel Nanoplastik >>> https://www.derstandard.de/story/3000000202955/wasser-in-plastikflaschen-enthaelt-rund-250000-partikel-nanoplastik

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