Monday, December 30, 2024

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Magnesium L-Threonat fördert die Gehirngesundheit im Schlaf. Magnesium spielt eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Neuroplastizität Magnesium-L-threonate treats Alzheimer's disease by modulating the microbiota-gut-brain axis L-threonate❗️
Profiled brain age-related change peaks at 57, 70 and 78 years, implicating distinct biological pathways during brain aging Scientists say your brain suddenly ages at 57, 70, and 78. Here are 5 ways to curb mental decline
Die Pixel Watch 3 bringt die Pulsverlust-Erkennung, die nur in den USA angeboten wurde und erst jetzt per Feature Drop in vielen weiteren Ländern – darunter auch Deutschland – freigeschaltet wurde❗ Eine wichtige Funktion, die man hoffentlich nie selbst benötigt The Pixel Watch 3 comes with heart rate loss detection, which was only available in the USA and has only now been activated in many other countries - including Germany - via a feature drop❗ An important function that you will hopefully never need yourself

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Red meat has long been associated with increasing the risk of heart disease, cancer + early death. What may not be so well known is the link between red meat consumption and type 2 diabetes Häm-Eisen im roten Fleisch schädigt Erbgut,fleisch588.html
Irisin: A bridge between exercise and neurological diseases! The muscle-brain axis is an important carrying channel for exercise to exert beneficial effects on the brain, and irisin is the key factor. Irisin also reduces the level of neuronal injury and mitochondrial oxidative stress. Acute exercise can increase the concentration of irisin in the blood immediately! Irisin ⟿Vorbeugung neurodegenerativer Erkrankungen. Bewegung ist der treibende Faktor, der die IrisinSekretion fördert. Trainingsarten, Intensität & Häufigkeit beeinflussen den Serum-Irisinspiegel! Liegestützen vs Krebs + Alzheimer❗
Die wichtigsten Daten zur Energieversorgung – täglich aktualisiert The most important data on energy supply – updated daily 🇩🇪

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Parkinson's Disease and Neurodegeneration: GABA-Collapse Hypothesis Die Ätiologie des GABA-Rückgangs (GABA = Gamma-Aminobuttersäure) scheint auf alle neurodegenerativen Prozesse zuzutreffen, die durch abnormale intrazelluläre Kalziumwerte ausgelöst werden
Single dose creatine improves cognitive performance and induces changes in cerebral high energy phosphates during sleep deprivation The inverse effects of creatine supplementation and sleep deprivation on high energy phosphates, neural creatine, and cognitive performances suggest that creatine is a suitable candidate for reducing the negative effects of sleep deprivation. Diese Studie zeigte die Wirkung einer hohen Kreatindosis gegen schlafentzugsbedingte Verschlechterung der kognitiven Leistungsfähigkeit, die bis zu 9 Stunden anhielt und ihre maximale kognitive Wirkung 4 Stunden nach oraler Verabreichung zeigte.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Folsäure kann die Leber bei ihrem Kampf gegen die Giftstoffe unterstützen. Folsäure unterstützt den Stoffwechsel und hilft, daß sich kein Fett in der Leber anreichert. Sie ist also nicht nur für Schwangere wichtig 100 g Linsen ⟿ 160 μg Folsäure

Thursday, December 19, 2024

2 cups of strong hibiscus tea every morning (using 5 tea bags) was as effective in lowering subjects’ blood pressure as a starting dose of Captopril taken 2x a day, but without the drug’s side effects Antioxidant content even beating out he much-lauded green tea❗️
Never Miss Your 100 Grams of Protein With This Simple Visual Guide For All Types of Eaters If you struggle to get enough protein in your daily meals, we've visualized what 100g of it looks like for every style of diet
ChatGPT jetzt auch über WhatsApp und Telefon erreichbar Für die Nutzung ist keine gesonderte Registrierung erforderlich. Interessierte fügen einfach die US-Nummer 1-800-242-8478 zu ihren WhatsApp-Kontakten hinzu und können direkt mit dem Chatbot kommunizieren. Der Dienst ist in allen Ländern verfügbar
Sauna als grandioses Wundermittel (4 mal pro Woche) vs Schlaganfall / Herzinfarkt by Ulrich Selz aus Ingolstadt
11 Supplements Reviewed by a PhD - 47 Studies Later Omega-3s - Glycine - Taurine - Astaxanthin - Lion's Mane - Beta-Alanine - Creatine - Rhodiola Rosea - Nattokinase - Lutein & Zeaxanthin - Berberine - How to Prioritize

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

"Microplastics are in our brains, balls, and ovaries. The emergent science suggests that microplastics in our body are not good, at all, for any of us. Together, we’re going to create the world’s largest dataset of microplastics", Prof. Bryan Johnson

Sunday, December 15, 2024

An antifibrotic compound that ameliorates hyperglycaemia and fat accumulation in cell and HFD mouse models HPH-15 is a glucose-lowering medication that can lower blood glucose, inhibit fat accumulation and ameliorate liver fibrosis

Friday, December 13, 2024

Junk food disrupts the body’s fight against cancer cells The potential culprit: an overabundance of certain omega-6 fatty acids from ultraprocessed foods in your diet that may hinder the tumor-fighting properties of another essential fatty acid, omega-3

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Alzheimer's May Not Be a Brain Disease. "Based on our past 30 years of research, we no longer think of Alzheimer's as primarily a disease of the brain. Rather, we believe that Alzheimer's is principally a disorder of the immune system within the brain"
Stoffwechsel verwandelt Fructose in Krebs-Booster Dietary fructose enhances tumour growth indirectly via interorgan lipid transfer Tumors Have a Taste for Fructose, If It’s Transformed by the Liver

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

This study builds on the research team’s previous work that found that higher intake of antioxidants, vitamins, iron-chelating nutrients and polyunsaturated fatty acids correlated with lower brain iron levels and better working memory performance

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

"Waves" of brain aging evealed – The 3 stages of life when your brain ages Proteins in the blood linked to accelerated brain ageing peak at three specific ages 13 proteins tied to brain aging seem to spike at ages 57, 70 and 78❗️ It is also still unknown where in the brain these 13 proteins come from One protein in particular, called Brevican (BCAN), is associated with the onset of dementia, stroke and movement issues
Exercising for 30 minutes improves memory, study suggests. Research shows walk or cycle improves cognitive performance for day ahead – and day after “The takeaway is just [that] physical activity is good for your brain and good sleep helps that!”

Monday, December 09, 2024

Vitamin B12 is essential for cell division and therefore for blood formation and DNA synthesis. It supports the health of nerve cells and plays a role in the conversion of glucose Nicht mehr als 25 µg (Mikrogramm) über Nahrungsergänzungsmittel einzunehmen!

Sunday, December 08, 2024

A surprising study of temperature-related deaths in Mexico upends conventional thinking about what age group is hit hardest by heat. Experts found at higher temperatures and humidity, the heat kills far more young people under 35 than those older than 50
Low-Carbohydrate Diets and All-Cause Mortality: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies Low-carbohydrate diets were associated with a significantly higher risk of all-cause mortality ...

Saturday, December 07, 2024

Dietary restriction of isoleucine increases both healthspan + lifespan of genetically heterogeneous mice Cutting Back on the Amino Acid Isoleucine Increases both healthspan + lifespan in Mice Foods by Isoleucine content: 📌
Cutting Back on One Amino Acid Increases Lifespan in Middle-Aged Mice Up to 33% The researchers think restricting isoleucine in humans, either by diet or pharmaceutical means, has the potential to yield similar anti-aging effects
Neuroscientists discover a new pathway to forming long-term memories in the brain Formation of long-term memory without short-term memory revealed by CaMKII inhibition New model of how memories are formed in the brain

Wednesday, December 04, 2024

The ChatGPT secret: People are turning to the free-to-use chatbot to solve all their life problems, and they like its answers Launched in November 2022, ChatGPT is gaining popularity as a personal cheerleader, life coach and even pocket therapist❗️

Monday, December 02, 2024

Mysterious Driving Factor Behind Long COVID May Have Been Identified Zur Verhinderung von Long Covid könnte das DiabetesMedikament Metformin sehr nützlich sein: seine antiviralen Eigenschaften haben eine überraschende Wirksamkeit gegen Long COVID gezeigt❗ Google hierzu auch: BERBERiN❗ Metformin. Use of metformin in adults with diabetes linked to lower risk of long COVID. Large NIH-funded study supports previous studies showing potential benefit❗ Scientists found that patients taking metformin had a 13% to 21% lower incidence of long COVID or death than those in the non-metformin group. Scientists are not clear how metformin may prevent long COVID, but they speculate the possibility of several mechanisms that reduce inflammation, decrease viral levels, and suppress the formation of disease-related proteins
Beta blockers (Metoprol), anticoagulants, or blood-thinners Eliquis Apixaban, Warfarin & Heparinare are resulting in hair loss or thinning. Hair loss from these drugs does not tend to be permanent and begins 2 to 4 months after first taking the medication

Sunday, December 01, 2024

Reversing Time From Within: Can Gut Bacteria Delay Aging? Aging-associated shifts in the gut microbiome are linked to various age-related diseases, including neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Parkinson’s disease (PD)

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